terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011

The Woman. The Warrior And The Mystic (simon And Janet's Amazing Holiday Adventures) - Ohr Yitzchak Margalit

the woman. the warrior and the mystic (simon and janet's amazing holiday adventures) - ohr yitzchak margalit
the woman. the warrior and the mystic (simon and janet's amazing holiday adventures) - ohr yitzchak margalit

Simon would rather be out playing soccer than reading about boring, old Jewish holidays in Hebrew School. But when his class starts learning about Lag Ba'Omer, strange things start happening. First a cat shows up in school. Then, he and smartypants Janet find themselves talking to an old woman who thinks she's from the time of the Romans! Does she really need their help to save her friends? Can her stories really change reality?

Join Simon and Janet on their amazing quest to save some of the main characters of the Lag Ba'Omer story - Bar Kokhba, Bar Yokhai, Rabbi Akiva and others - from themselves.

This amazing story brings the primary traditional sources for the Lag Ba'Omer story to life, in a way they never have before. Like Simon and Janet, after experiencing this story, your perspective on Lag Ba'Omer and its significance will never be the same.

The old woman was sitting by a rock, and she looked up as Janet and Simon raced by. Simon didn't have much time to think, but in the back of his mind it occurred to him it was strange the woman didn’t seem startled in the slightest.

"Come my friend", she called out, beckoning gently towards the kids – or was it the lion she was talking to? Her voice was soft as dark velvet, and Simon suddenly knew everything would be all right. He stopped running and slowly approached her. The lion, so ferocious moments before, seemed now like a kid who had been distracted from his game by a beautiful flower. He passed right by Simon and sat down gently at the old woman's feet.

"Its been a long time, Aryeh," she said, stroking the lion's mane affectionately. "Who are these kids you've brought me?"

The lion raised his head in the direction of the children. "Why don't you go ahead and ask them yourself?" he seemed to say.
"All in good time," the woman murmured kindly. "It's rude to start asking questions before we've even introduced ourselves". With that, she turned to Janet and Simon: "Hello there. How do you do? I'm Tslel and this is my friend Aryeh. I'm going to guess that you're Janet and you're Simon, and I'll bet you want to know just what exactly is going on here."

Janet, not often at a loss for words, gaped at the woman, dumbfounded.

"Don't worry, I understand. It can be quite a shock -- suddenly coming from the hustle bustle of town and finding yourselves out here in the countryside. And Aryeh here isn't really big on words." The lion nodded and gave what must have been a lion chuckle.

"Well, now that you're here, I might as well tell you a bit about Aryeh and me." She cleared her throat.



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