terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011

Acres Of Bloodmoney - Flynn Lee

acres of bloodmoney - flynn lee
acres of bloodmoney - flynn lee

This is a fictional story based on lies that may be true.

Mathis Fordstood still as a stone, looking out over the sandy, mostly desolate valley below. The only sign of movement was that of his workers-- all six-hundred twenty three of them. Mathis had been stationed just outside of Nairobi for one reason. Find diamonds by any means necessary.

The diamond program had been launched from Mathis and his brother, after coming from an idea to make things a little better somewhere in the world. Create jobs, help the Kenyan people, become famously rich, and write a book.

Mostly good intentions on his part. But as soon as they went public with his idea, Mathis found himself at the bottom of the food chain— standing here, sand in his dark hair and in his boots, while the fat cats up top soak in every last penny in their penthouse suites and Bentleys. The president of “Kenya Diamond Outreach”, Paul Sornten, was the fattest fat cat. He kept his program poorly funded and his workers poorly treated—not that his blind investors and all the American outreach programs knew that. Stateside, it all looked really nice. As far as anyone knew, the Kenyan people were happy and making money, and Mathis was having the time of his life.

If only the American public knew what was really going on.


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