terça-feira, 6 de setembro de 2011

Great Crested Grebes Of New Zealand - A Photo Story Of Courtship. Mating. Nesting. And Chick Rearing - Helen Blake

great crested grebes of new zealand - a photo story of courtship. mating. nesting. and chick rearing - helen blake
great crested grebes of new zealand - a photo story of courtship. mating. nesting. and chick rearing - helen blake

Great Crested Grebes of New Zealand is the story of a pair of Great Crested Grebes on Lake Te Anau, New Zealand in 2008-2009 and depicts their courtship, mating, nest building, and chick rearing in 58 beautiful and intimate color photographs accompanied by descriptive captions. Grebes have existed for 80 million years and this wonderful story is a remarkable testament to their survival skills.

Spring finds our Grebe pair in the blush of courtship. Soon they start gathering materials for a nest and awkward mating attempts follow. Then a lengthy waiting period begins during which they defend their nest, preen, and enjoy warm spring days. Then suddenly Lake Te Anau, which is part of a large hydroelectric scheme, starts rising and our couple battles to save their nest; and then, just as suddenly, the lake drops posing new dangers.

Then another pair of Grebes attacks our couple’s nest and they must fight violently to repel the invaders. Victory is celebrated with yet another courtship dance, but has one of the couple been seriously injured? Luckily not; the wing that appeared injured was just protecting their newborn chick!

Their new chick is always hungry and mum and dad are kept busy finding food. Soon it’s time to leave their nest behind and baby must now learn to ride on the parents’ backs. Baby grows quickly and mum and dad soon tire of carrying it around and start encouraging some solo navigation. Baby fast becomes a teenager and learns to dive, has a look around the neighborhood and tries flying, but it appears to have a life threatening handicap.

Come join the drama and see how our new Grebe fares.

This delightful story was compiled by Helen Blake, a noted wildlife photographer who lives part of each year in New Zealand and the rest of the year in North America with her husband Steve.


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