terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011

Bullied? Sue Your School For A Million Bucks! - John Erickson

bullied? sue your school for a million bucks! - john erickson
bullied? sue your school for a million bucks! - john erickson

From SueYourSchool.com: All students have a right to a free education in a safe environment. It’s the law. If you are bullied for being different (fat, tall, short, disabled, poor, skin color, gay or nearly any thing) that bullying becomes a distraction to your education. The school is bound by law to protect you, and assure you a proper and full education. They cannot even ask you change your differences to fit in, they must allow you to be different, and not be harassed for that difference. If bullying is so bad that you cannot learn, you may be able to sue that teacher or school that allowed the bullying to continue; sometimes for very large amounts of money from several thousands of dollars to millions.

Being the target of bullies is hell. It is hard work to get up every morning and go someplace you know you will face more of the same. If you buy this book, you have taken a big step, and though the journey may be long and hard, it does get better. By documenting your situation you will learn that YOU are not the problem, but THEY are. Even if you do not file a lawsuit, this documentation process will help you feel proactive and less like a victim; that is priceless.

Many schools just do not care about bullying to any real degree. Gay students and those that are different are often neglected. A lawsuit can sometimes be the only way a school system will change. Money can be a huge motivator. It can motivate both you and the school into taking real action.

If you are motivated to move forward and take legal action against your school, you need to be ready to work hard. This book is designed to help you build a case to bring to a civil rights attorney and be easily hidden. This book is also designed to be “stealthy,” with a fake cover, so your documentation can remain private.

This book gives you important background information about building a legal case against a school or an individual within the school. We include information on where to go for assistance too, even if you just need to talk to a professional

It is important to know that to file a lawsuit based upon a lie is FRAUD, and it is illegal. You can be sued in return, and in some cases face significant jail time. This book is intended to help students, and their families, to fight REAL BULLYING through our legal system. You cannot sue for the occasional mean joke, or unkind remark; bullying is about daily, ongoing, pervasive harassment that prevents you from learning and/or feeling safe.


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